The purpose of a brachioplasty (arm Lift) is to reduce the excess skin and fat of the arm between the axilla (underarm) and the elbow thereby resulting in smoother skin and a better shaped arm.
Fluctuations in weight, growing older and even heredity can cause your upper arms to have a drooping, sagging appearance. Although exercise may tone the underlying muscle, it cannot get rid of excess skin that you may have.
If you have excess skin and fat on the under side of your arm, then a brachioplasty may be the right operation for you.
The procedure involves an incision on the inner aspect of your arm along its length. Liposuction may also be done if there is excess fat in the arm. After the procedure, there may be a small pipe that is left in the arm to allow for drainage of excess fluid and blood that may accumulate but this is not often necessary. Following the surgery, you will have dressings and bandages placed over the arm. After the dressings are changed, you will need to apply a pressure garment to the arm which will need to be worn for a few weeks depending on the extent of your surgery.
Although the risks involved in this surgery do not commonly occur, you need to be aware of them and you will have many opportunities to discuss these with me prior to the surgery. Like with any surgical procedure, there are anaesthetic risks but the possible surgical risks include the following:

•    Unfavourable scarring
•    Bleeding (hematoma), and fluid accumulation (seroma)
•    Infection 
•    Poor wound healing
•    Skin loss
•    Numbness or other changes in skin sensation
•    Skin discoloration and/or prolonged swelling
•    Asymmetry (one arm has a different shape to the other)
•    Major wound separation
•    Fatty tissue found deep in the skin might die (fat necrosis)
•    Damage to deeper structures such as nerves, blood vessels, muscles, and lungs
•    Pain, which may persist
•    Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications
•    Sutures may spontaneously surface through the skin, become visible or produce irritation that require removal
•    Possibility of revisional surgery

Although these complications can occur, they are rare and every precaution is taken to avoid them.

You will generally be discharged the following day after your surgery if all goes well. There will be a follow-up appointment scheduled in a few days after you go home to assess the wounds. During that time, you should not allow the wounds to get wet and you should not perform any strenuous work. I will discuss the post-operative management with you in detail. If you are concerned about anything after you have been discharged, you should contact me as soon as possible and we will schedule an appointment to see you.